
Loads an object and its metadata to Petabox.


Petabox does not block an object for writing and can accept several requests for writing one object at the same time, however, by default, the user will be able to get only the last written object from Petabox. To preserve history when overwriting or deleting objects, turn on versioning .

Use a header to ensure that the object is transmitted over the network without damage Content-MD5. Petabox will calculate MD5for the stored object and if the calculated MD5does not match the one passed in the header, it will return an error. This validation can also be performed on the client side by comparing the ETag Petabox response with the precomputed one MD5.


PUT /{bucket}/{key} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: ContentType
Content-Length: ContentLength
Content-Disposition: ContentDisposition

Path parameters


Use the required common headers in the request .

Additionally, you can use the headings listed in the table below.

Using the headers listed below, you can set the ACL for the loaded object.

The value for headers x-amz-grant-*is a comma-separated list of recipients. Each accessor is identified by a view structure <тип получателя доступа>:<идентификатор получателя доступа>. Petabox supports the following recipient types:

  • id - access recipient is a cloud user.

  • uri - access recipient - system group.


x-amz-grant-read: uri="http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/AuthenticatedUsers"



The response can only contain general headers .

Answer codes

For a list of possible answers, see the Answers section .

Last updated